Thursday, January 17, 2013

The boy starts school.

Going way back in time to September...

My favorite little man started Preschool. He was SO excited to go to sissy's old school and be-bopped in there like he owned the place. No hesitation at all. I love that!! Made it so easy for this mommy!

 This face slays me.

Daddy got to join me for the first drop-off which made things much easier. Gav jumped right out of the car and after a wave and an "I yove you" he turned and walked away. Such a big boy!

In September we also celebrated Kylie's 6th birthday!!! 6!!! How did that happen?!
All she wanted was a rainbow cake so, of course, that is what she got. After watching many YouTube videos she knew exactly how to make it. If this girl doesn't have a cooking show one day I will be very surprised!

She had a birthday party at the bowling alley with all of her closest friends. It was such a super fun party!!

Fall... a few months late.

This poor, neglected, old blog has definitely taken the backseat thanks to Kindergarten, Preschool, household duties, family time, and baby-growing! I got so behind that it seemed a little overwhelming to try to catch up again and became just another thing on the never-ending "To Do" list.  I'm not sure what the future holds for this blog, but after 6 years of memory-recording on here I just couldn't let it go yet. I love having our memories and photos saved here and still plan to, one day (when I have lots and lots of free time! HA), publish all of these posts to books. 
In the meantime, let's see if I can catch us up... starting with FALL 2012!

The kiddos humored mommy and we had a little "field trip" to the local apple orchard. They had a blast running through the rows of apple trees while I tried to keep up, snapping as many shots as I could. Overall, it was a successful visit. The kids had fun, mommy got some photos (with the actual camera and not the iphone for once), and we went home with some fresh cider, a bag of apples and a warm apple pie!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The day before...

Well, summer 2012 came and went. Obviously by the lack of updates on the ole blog, we had a pretty eventful and fun-filled summer. We packed as much fun and activities as we could into the last 3 sunny, hot months! 

But inevitably thee day has finally come. It would be a lie to say that I have not had a pit in my stomach and a sort of dread for this day since Kylie Rae came into our lives on September 22, 2006. At every baby milestone I remember thinking, "wow this raising a kid thing sure makes time speed by at an amazing pace. Next thing I know she's going to be going to Kindergarten." And then I would chuckle. But just like that... it happened. 
For almost 6 years, she has been my constant sidekick. My little helper. The one who taught me how to mother. The big sister. My heart walking around outside my body.

Tomorrow she starts a new journey. We start a new journey. She won't be with me every hour of every day and I won't be able to hold her hand through uncertain times and new experiences. I can only hope that the last 6 years has been helpful to her and that we've taught her enough so she can hold her head high and go confidently (with her shy smile). I know this is so good for her and she is so ready for this next step in her life. I know she is going to grow. She will be able to spread her beautiful wings. I hope she will love school and learning as I always did. I cannot wait to greet her with a smile and a hug every day at 3:30. I cannot wait to hear about what she learned, all about her new friends, see her wonderful crafts (surely the highlight of her day) and watch her teach Gavin her new skills. 
She will always be my baby, whether she is in my arms, right next to my side or not. 
Here's to a wonderful Kindergarten year for my baby girl.

Go ROCK that school, KyKy!!! :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Last day.

Kylie's last day of Preschool was last week. After 2 years of being a preschooler, she is now officially a Kindergartener. I cannot even believe how fast the last 2 years have gone. I'm still slightly in denial about this and am hoping that the next 2.5 months creep along so that I can begin to mentally prepare myself for my baby going to school every day!

She was so excited for her last day and the start of summer! She also can't wait to go to Kindergarten!

She has grown and changed SO much in the last 2 years (as these 2 photos from her first day as a 3 year old show). She made many new friends, has attended multiple playdates and birthday parties on her own, taken field trips, learned many things, and especially enjoyed craft time! 
We are so proud of the sweet, caring, sensitive, conscientious, smart girl that she has become and look forward to seeing what amazing things she will do in the years ahead. 
Just please grow slowly, my sweet girl.

Not to be left out of the photos, Mr. Gavo jumped in for a few shots. He cannot even wait to go to preschool next year as an actual student and not just a little brother!

Our little graduate!

 Kylie and her sweet teachers...

 In the hallway that led to her classroom for the last 2 years.

And in front of the church. 

With her proud daddy & mommy!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Easter... a tad delayed.

So even though we are days from Memorial Day and June is right around the corner, I figured it isn't too late to share a few Easter pics!
So here goes...

A week before Easter, the kids enjoyed our community's annual egg hunt. 

After lots of eggs (filled with more bouncy balls and tattoos than any child needs), we headed back home. 

 Easter morning, the kids woke up and immediately began searching for baskets and eggs. They are seasoned pros at this holiday tradition thing by now.

 Thanks to Grandma Pat and Grandpa Tim the kiddos had an awesome egg hunt outside. I think we hid 50 eggs. Ky and Gav LOVED searching for these eggs all over their front yard! Tons of fun!

Gav trying to shake an egg out of a tree...

 Showing off their eggs!

Now carry on with your pre-summer festivities... :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Party Pics.

 Gavin Matthew's 3rd Birthday Party: Superhero Edition.

The superhero himself. Super G to the rescue! With his sidekick: Wonder Woman.

Super G's Superhero Team:

Don't mess with these 2:

Super Daddy entertaining the party folk with his new guitar!

Deee-licious "Hero" subs made with love by the one and only Grandma Pat!

Ky perched herself by the window until she saw her cousins pull in the driveway.

Stevie and Gavo

Kenny teaching Gav all about fishing with his new Spiderman fishing pole, tackle box and accessories!


 Pa & JJ

Super Mommy & Super Daddy with our birthday boy!

Putting together toys!

Gav had an awesome day!! He is such a lucky little boy to have family that loves him so much celebrating with him!

The last 3 years have flown by! 
Here's a look back at previous birthdays...

Newborn Gavin on his birth day.

Turning ONE!

Turning TWO!

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